
final project

these are my final prints from the view camera class i took last semester, i'm really happy how they turned out...eventually i will have both inkjet prints and silver gelatin prints.

max taylor - bs powerslide

fs wallride



fs blunt

switch heel

dharam khalsa - nosebonk


dharam - bs tailslide




i'm your heart, i'm a whale, on the bottom of the deep black sea

shot my first roll of 35mm color film for my color class and these are a few of the images. i'm hoping to buy a medium-format camera, in which case i will upload them all on here. click to enlarge...


long haul

met up with austin at the shop. he's back on his board again after a little injury..keep your eyes peeled for his part in the no comply video coming out early march

max enjoys his last day in austin before he heads to san fransisco to skate with creation and satori homies. he'll be staying with ron allen...mad props! 

left the shop and went to the yellow ledges where we met up with bunches of hombres 


bentley is a free man


that boy Batts 

flint and calvin

left the yellow ledges and bros were eyeballing this rail...too bad the ran up was non-existent

dudes started bombing hills..i didn't even touch this one, it could have been death 

another one 

we hoped in jd's truck so we could all go skate the rec and josh insisted on skitching all the way there...it was like a ten minute ride!

gaining speed...

one of the many expressions i saw

almost there. he let go soon after this picture was taken and ended up eating serious shit down the final hill..unfortunately he was too far behind for me to snap a photo but i'm pretty sure i saw him laughing from a distance.

got there with enough daylight to see this gravity-defying maneuver...frontside wallride from the quarter pipe..even after being bruised up from the fall

solid saturday.


dirty east

gray and dee dee got a new pad over on east riverside so i decided to stop by to help move some stuff  and check it out

gray was finalizing some paperwork

dee dee and gray, done deal

we went outside and ran into some new neighbors who were eager to school us in basketball

these girls loved their makeshift trampoline

kids got game!

his homeboy didn't use the ball but still had some ups

i figured i'd stretch the arms out and give it a whirl 

thereafter draining one five tries later

organized a small chill where gray got down with a harmonica

max taylor everybody 

