Last night was the long awaited premiere of the Devil's Toy --
Homies Calvin Millar and Flint Brewer put this shit together
and it was fucking great. Big ups to those dudes for chronicling
Austin skateboarding at its finest in a non-slow-mo-HD kind of
the filmmakers
Guru is in town for a few days. "One rip of weed
and a glass of wine and your perfect" he told me...
and I completely agree.
I went to use the bathroom and this girl in line snatched my
disposable and said she wanted to take a pic of me. I was halfway
flattered and halfway weirded out.
I love Shortbus and definitely his shirt
Bentley's little brother..i forget his name but he was
At first I hated this picture because the film fucked up
and I didn't want to miss a pic of Tyler Tutaj. But now I
think it might be my favorite photo from the night. Funny
how that works?
Oh it's Mefford
Thanks NO-COMPLY for giving us free PBR.
Part of the support for this hammock snapped 2 seconds
before this photo...they're just chilling on the ground, haha
I want to see Rob G Issue 3 now
Everybody <3s>
Fellow Documenters.
Young Ian who has a promising future in skateboarding if he sticks to it. Keep shredding Ian!!
Caleb broke is leg 4 days before the premiere. Probably the
shittiest thing.....heal up brother because I want to see you
drop off more roofs (rooves?).
Last part of the video. Max fucking crushes the skateboard.
Wish I had half the talent he does. Good work homie
Calvin is probably really happy to be done with it
..but not done with celebrating! It was Elias's birthday
at this very moment towards the end of the party. Happy
Birthday Eli and thanks to Cinema East for housing everyone!
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