
final documentary project

the following series of images are my attempt to show the relationship between the people of france and their surroundings. in doing this, i incorporated portraits of working people that illustrate the seemingly timeless jobs that i found very characteristic of the french culture. i displayed these portraits in the form of diptychs with an accompanying and equally as meaningful image; whether it be formally, literally or metaphorically. another thing evident in my work is a feeling of spirituality. although more subtle in some images than others, i felt a sense of spirituality in every photograph that i could not ignore. the cropped images of walls, paintings, and sculptures exhibit the ancient architecture of france much like the portraits exhibit age-old kinds of work. ultimately i want to portray time as a tool of aging and working, where in france these kinds of environments have been characteristic of its people for hundreds of years.


what am i doing now?

i read this in a french skate mag and really liked it -- definitely worth a read and a visit to their site

(click to enlarge)


blinded by the light

this guy took us to the top of the bell tower of Angers' biggest cathedral...
we had to walk up a narrow spiral staircase for at least fifteen minutes to get to the top..pretty sweet


i scream

critique one series

we had our first critique today in class, here's what i showed. still trying to solidify a direction for my project


the sun

the next day we headed to Mount St. Michel and St. Malo

stopped in a small town on the way, i forget the name

then we arrived to mount st. michel -- i would pay good money to live in this castle

i wanted a sword so bad

tourist invasion

poseidon leads an army of people out of the water

beautiful..someday i'm going to move to that island

inside le castle

this makes me smile

then we arrived to our hotel in st. malo, it was on the beach! this is a view from my room around evening time

just to show you the color of the water

sun went down

and i got coffee and some food the next morning

delicious crepes